Refund Policy
  1. Request a Refund
    Contact us via e-mail to submit the insurance policy cancellation request.
  2. Refund Processed in 24H
    All refund request will be verified and processed according to the conditions stipulated in the policy contract of the respective insurers within 24 hours during business days.
  3. Receive a Notification
    You'll receive a notification via e-mail. Payment will be processed by the respective insurers.
  4. Refund Credited
    You will receive the refund payment within 14 business days.



  1. My roadtax cannot be renewed due to JPJ / PDRM blacklist. Would I receive a refund?
    Yes. You'll receive a refund for your roadtax payment.
  2. My insurance policy has lower price than charged. Would I receive a refund?
    Yes. If your actual policy has a lower price, we'll inform you via email to submit a refund request.
  3. I cancel my active insurance. How would I receive my refund?
    If your insurance is active, your refund request will be processed by the respective insurers as accordance to Insurance Act 1996. We'll assist you to submit the refund request to the respective insurers.
  4. How long does it take?
    You'll receive confirmation for refund within 14 business days.
  5. Is there any processing fee?
    No processing fee will be applied for extra payment refund or policy cancellation.

For any further inquiry, please reach us via e-mail at